Know How

What do I know how to do? My main business line is graphic design that I started to focus on after I left school and even more after I came to the US in 2000. There I was fascinated by the newly emerging internet with endless opportunities and learned how to construct html websites, later spiced up with CSS. (wish I still had my first site 🙂 …It entered me into the first Miss Internet finale.

What is my qualification?

I broaden up my education with local university classes and I started working in a graphic studio mainly on print materials like assorted fliers, business cards, Algida menu cards, Bauhaus catalogs and billboards, brochures, Olympia posters, Valosun dietary supplement boxes and such.

As my modeling career started to shape up I expanded my expertise to photo retouching and photo manipulation.

Later on I have learned digital airbrush technique and started contracting my cartoon coloring services.

For a while to get even more experience I have worked in a traditional photo lab. Sending photos to a classical photo printer, scanning films on professional scanner and developing my photo restoration skills.

And just to show I’m spontaneous I have worked as a skilled pancake/crepe maker on many public events 🙂

And to top it off. I have gotten myself into construction supervisor/ interior designer during a construction of a brand new office building. Selecting ALL the finishing materials, colors and facilities, including the office furniture selection and layout. Where I later stayed as an office manager/graphic for now…

You are welcome to visit my business site My bad luck goes on… I had to break some mirror somewhere I don’t know about… and both my business and my modeling websites disappeared in November 2020. Really great year. So now I need to rebuild 4 websites!!